Uluru Statement from the Heart

Videography, Editing, Photography


Helping the Yes23 Campaign craft its message

Bespoke video and photo solution

As one of the biggest conversations happening in Australia in 2023, the Voice to Parliament is an important decision that we all face.

Australians will have their say in a referendum about whether to change the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice via an independent and permanent advisory body. It would give advice to the Australian Parliament andGovernment on matters that affect the lives of Aboriginal and Torres StraitIslander peoples.

Conference Filming Australia were employed by the Uluru Statement from the Heart to capture and deliver a suite of video and photo assets from their grassroots campaign. Over a number of conferences, information sessions and community gatherings, we were there to capture content aligning with the Yes campaign’s goals. Our client required specific Vox pops from their Youth Dialogue Conference, where young Indigenous leaders were asked on their opinions on the Vote.

This all sounds fairly straightforward, however not all interview talent are the same - some are media trained – others are not. Some people need a little help getting to the heart and context of what they’re trying to communicate. It’s not just about removing the um’s and ahh’s – it’s about solidifying the essence and context of what someone is saying - creating a succinct message that cuts through.

That’s where we shine.

As ex-TV professionals, we have cut THOUSANDS of these interviews – we know what works to stitch a story together from a string of grabs, from removing the repeated words, awkward silences to placing words in the right place, sometimes even slicing grabs to the frame to make them work.

It’s not about changing the context of what someone is saying – it’s about making it succinct, to the point and poignant, so it makes an impact.

The Result

Over 10 filming days we produced hundreds of photos for the campaign.

A photograph that one of our team members took even graced the pages of the Australian Newspaper.

Our talented camera operators delivered vision to the Australian TV Networks, which aired around the country.  

Our team of editors, weaved their “Yes magic” into the videos, showcasing why people of all walks of life are planning to Vote Yes.  


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